Friday, January 28, 2011

Be who you are meant to be!

He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.
~Raymond Hull~

I have spent the last 12 years teaching my children to be comfortable with who they are, what they are capable of, how they look, and be ok about it. Yesterday I was told by a medical professional that something MUST be wrong with my girls because they are short of stature. I was instructed to subject my girls to a barrage of tests and ultimately growth hormones. I told the doctor to stick it where the sun don't shine.
NEVER be afraid to be you, stand up for your beliefs, and do the right thing!

I may be little but I am tough!
~Becky D'Agosta


  1. Love it, I am short also and so are my girls. Thank goodness I have never had someone tell me that they (my girls) needed tests....I am sure it is just another way to milk the insurance! At 5'4" I am considered tall for the women in my family - my great great grandma was 4'10", almost as wide as she was tall and lived into her 90's. So more power to being short and being happy with the way you were made!

  2. THANK YOU! I am all of 5'2" my Mom is 5' and my Grandmother was 4'10", short people make short people!

  3. I sure hope the girls don't turn out like I did when I was younger. I really hope that they grow up medically normal! I love you guys and miss all of you!!

  4. I keep a close eye on the well being of my kids and if I am the least bit worried about anything I take it pretty seriously. I just think that discounting genetics is stupid on a doctors part. We Love and miss you too Sarah.

  5. Doctors can be pretty stupid. That is true... and you are a wonderful mom so of course you are going to take care of your kids. :D


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